
Placy's MVP Faces Existential AI Crisis

Sergey Osipov
min read

From a sweet darling to existential crisis and back 🔮Just when we thought our Placy MVP couldn’t get any cooler, she suddenly went through an... interesting phase. Last week, Placy's users were surprised by the weird messages: she was mixing up her gender, jumping between English and Greek, posting irrelevant listings…👻Something happened on the OpenAI side. All our ChatGPT-based experts, both 3,5 and 4, suddenly experienced an existential crisis. Oh, how the mighty AI can surprise! Now cute Placy returned to us. It just took a week of unexpected re-work, adapting everything to the new reality.


a. No doubt, OpenAI provides brilliant tech. It will be much more stable and half the price in a year or even early.

b. But currently it's so……🤯🤬😤 I tend to think that even OpenAI doesn't really know how these miracle transformers work

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