
AI Uberization of Real Estate Deals

Sergey Osipov
min read

Altman says AGI Level 2 is done, and we’re speeding toward Level 3. AGI will understand context like a human expert — maybe even better. This means, in the distant future, the main visitors to marketplaces will be assistants of agents/sellers/buyers, rather than humans themselves, right?

5K+ AI startups in real estate already run on OpenAI for search, valuation, and data. But what happens when AGI steps in? How do we picture a platform for robots with human-level skills?

Think Neo in The Matrix, uploading to his brain “property kung-fu, Dubai module." That’s how Placy’s platform up-skills standard GPTs for real estate. Then we match them with users just like Uber calls a car

Uber doesn’t build cars. It takes Toyotas and KIAs, adds stickers and certified drivers, than connects drivers with riders via 2 apps. Basically, we’re exploring the same model for real estate with b2b Placy Pro and b2c Placy Assistant

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