An island where it's easier to find restaurant investors than waiters
EU economy is growing 1%, Cyprus is over 3%, making it one of the fastest-growing economies in the EU Registering Ltd for your startup? Enjoy 2.5% IP Box, 0% dividends, EU Blue Card and a 4-year citizenship path for your talent, along with state grants for startups. With a population of ~1M, we have 12 universities. IT contributes 13% to Cyprus’ GDP (tourism 20%). The average IT salary is €5,700 (twice the country's average)
The local IT community is massive—mainly Russian-speakers from Ukraine, Belarus, Russia. Beer meetups like IT_Party in Limassol or The_Hub in Paphos might gather up to 300 guests at a time
The only pain: local banks stuck in the past, and are not friendly to IT. Startups use Revolut I know, it’s a nano-market. Local success doesn’t promise a win in the UK or US. We’re kicking off a pilot here, getting ready for experiments in Athens, London, and Dubai.
This is the way 😄